Saturday, December 25, 2010

Aikido Overview

It is not wrong, that Aikido is one of the best and most popular martial art in the United States today. Art Aikido is best associated with actor Steven Seagal, who has made even more popular in his films. Aikido has a rich history and tradition of art that originally started in Japan in 1940.

Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba, was born December 14, 1883. While he was growing up in modern Japan, Ueshiba witnessed the local thugs to destroy his father. The boy decided that he would be strong to seek revenge against the bad guys. Ueshiba was strong-willed, and devoted every waking moment of physical training and martial arts.

Ueshiba founded the martial art Aikido by combining both his religious beliefs and his training in martial arts. At that time, the style known as aikibudo, it was not until 1942 that he decided to go with the name of Aikido. The style is very different actually includes several styles of jujitsu, aiki-jujitsu, and spear and sword fighting techniques as well.

It has a lot of certificates jujitsu, spear fighting, and fencing. Although it was very impressive in his abilities, he found himself not satisfied with his abilities. He knew that there was more, and began to study religion, hoping that he would find greater meaning in life - to pursue martial arts full time.

Aside from what many think, there really is no unified belief or philosophy of the martial art of Aikido. While Aikido is indeed rich in heritage and religion, believes in harmony and peace of mind. Reach a higher spiritual power, Ueshiba has always believed that the human body is capable of anything. Even if he wanted revenge, saying that aikido was not fighting, but rather a way to reconcile the world and to each person in a family of giants.

Although many of us think of Aikido as a martial arts extreme, is an art based on religion and harmony. Aikido uses joint locks, handling weight, and throws in order to achieve a goal. Martial Arts is a very powerful, he had intentions of Ueshiba from the start. Aikido consists of many techniques, and is due to Ueshiba's creative innovation.

Over the years, Aikido was introduced to the U.S. with amazing results. Steven Seagal is by far the most popular, showing the world the power and harmony of Aikido through his many films. There are many martial arts dojo throughout North America that offer Aikido to study, including some in your area. Aikido not only teach self-defense but also teach you harmony of mind and how to find inner peace as well.

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